How to Take Clomid for Infertility
Clomid, or Clomifphen Citrate, is a ovulatory stimulating drug that is the most commonly used fertiily drug to date. It is the very first fetility treatment tried for most couples and is taken as a pill. The stronger medicines require injections and clomid as a pill is very effective in stimulating vulation over 80 percent of the time. Clomid is marketed under the following names :
1. Fertogard
2. FErtomin
3. XXX
Clomid also can be used for treat male infertility in a few ways. It can increase sperm count levels and correct hormonal imbalances. Clomid helps the male with syptoms of hypogonadism such as:
1. Erectile Dysfunction
2. Decrease muscle mass
3. Fatigue
4. Low Libido
5. Trouble with concentration
The Clomid dosage for male infertility usually goes as:
1) 25 mg of clomid taken daily for 25 days followed by five days of rest. Repeated for three times.
2) Option two is 25 mg of clomid for five days followed by five days off for three months.
3) Option three is 100 mg of clomid taken for 10 days once very month for three months.
Success rate increases by 15% when couples are facing male infertitily. How Clomid helps is by helping increase sperm count and the helath of the sperm.
Clomid for Female Infertility
Every doctor has a different take on how to use Clomid however the most commone dosage for female infertility is 50 mg taken for five days on day 3 to 7 of your cycle. The doctor might increase the dose if it does not work. This would mean that women would ovulate around 7-10 days after taking the last clmoid pill and you would ovulate beween the 14 to 19 day of the female cycle. As such they should have sex every other day from the 11th day fo the cyle to the 21st day of the cycle.
Clomid for Conceiving Twins
When men take clomid for infertility there is no increase chance in having twins; however when women are taking clomid for infertility they face a 10% greater chance of having twins where as triplets or quadruplets are increased by only 1%. While not great increased in odds there is an increase in chances of having twins while on clomid compared to when not on clomid.
How long can you take clomid
Clomid while very safe should not be used forever, you should lmit your treatment to 12 months however we and many might suggest to limit at 6 months, take a break of a few months then repeat.
Clomid Brand names
Some common and verified pharmacy grade brand names of clomiphene citrate are:
1) Fertomid
Where to Buy Clomiphene Citrate
Clomid is for sale at a multitude of reputable online generic pharmacies such as:
These online generic pharmacies take a variety of payment methods have been around for years and are known to be reputable.